Did Someone Say “Pickleball”?
SCT’s Chattanooga facility hosted its inaugural Pickleball tournament and the final match was one to watch!
For the past few weeks, SCT’s Chattanooga division has been testing the pickleball skills of its people with its first ever Pickleball Tournament. This summer, 16 two-person teams filled out our bracket. They typically played best of three with some even pushing it to best of five.
There were teams from different Chattanooga campuses, different shifts, and all different backgrounds. In fact, we even had a few of our summer interns joining in the fun!
As teams began advancing the spectating crowds seemed to grow, but with team names like, “Super Smash Bros”, “3rd Shift Smashers”, “The Empire Strokes Back”, and “Wildcat Warriors” how could you not want to watch?
Now, of course, there could only be one champion and it came down to a final match between “The Kitchen Heat” and “Team Vlasic”. Both worthy adversaries.
The game started strong for both teams, with plenty of volleying and some strategic hits that caused the opposing team to miss the return. However, there could be only one champion, and this time it was Team Vlasic!
For those of us watching the first championship game, it was an excellent opportunity to cheer on our co-workers and enjoy the company of people from across every department.

Well done, Travis Randolph and Daniel Hawkins, our new champions, and a special shout out to Logan Brewer and Cole Felix for putting up a great fight!